One part travel blog. One part nerdy history lesson.

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Day 5 – Treme, Congo Square, Willie Mae’s, Antoines

We started out today with coffee and pastries from the downstairs shop of the hotel. I shared this because the girl working put a little heart in Kegan’s cappuccino and told him he was just a pleasure to serve this morning. Kegan. A pleasure. If anyone has ever seen my husband prior to 9:30am or so, you will cackle out loud at this statement. haha He came back to the room and said “someone thinks I’m a pleasure in the mornings” LOL

Our plan today was to trek it from the southwest corner of downtown, to the French Quarter, winding our way up through it, then continuing through the TremĂ© neighborhood to some good fried chicken lunch at Willie Mae’s Scotch House, a famous little chicken shack that might just have the best fried chicken in the country.

Norah thought this was amazing. I just see some inadequate government services. lol
We thought the stained glass windows on this building were neat.
Our first stop was Music Legends Park, which is an open space park with live jazz every day starting at 10 am.
However, this morning, they had it roped off and it was the seating area for the Cafe Beignet in the background… so maybe since Covid they have been using the tables as an outdoor dining space? Not sure… but I could only snap a photo of a few statues and the fountain.

We continued through the French Quarter to the Museum of Death.

It was a tiny little museum, probably a little overpriced in hindsight. Dedicated to all things dead. The front had taxidermy animals… then a serial killer room with letters and drawings and newspaper clippings from various serial killers over the years. Then some more macabre crime scene photos of famous murders, some African and tribal rituals involving death, like shrunken heads and carved animal skulls. They even had a small area on terrorism with video of 9/11 and a theater in the back corner with a running reel of black and white images of suicides, homicides and other gruesome deaths.

The girl at the front was a bit concerned we were bringing in a 9 year old… but I told her this kid was more morbid than I was. I said, Thank you, I do appreciate you letting us know- but we killed a deer this year and she kept asking to poke its eyeball. She’s going to be fine. ha And…she was. The girl replied with “I always wanted to stick my thumb in someone’s eye socket…… if you are good with it, I’m good with it!” She looked at some photos, but she wasn’t really super interested in most of it because it was just letters and small photos on the walls.. and we gave her the cell phone to play games while we watched the film, she wouldn’t have had a clue what was playing on the TV. She walked out no more scarred for life than she was when we walked in 🙂

I thought it was a bit boring…and really wasn’t that macabre or gross. I was disappointed. I don’t know what I expected or wanted. Maybe some actual gory color photographs, a video of a live autopsy, they had an embalming table there, maybe a video of the actual body preparation process?

There was only one small set of 4x6s in a case that I was actually surprised to see and had a “ooohhh, this is taboo” feel. They had the crime scene images from the murder of a woman, supposedly a Hollywood actress named Linda Carr (but I cant find a single Google link about anything with her name) who was found bound on her bed with a bag over her head. Those photos really piqued my interest…but that was about it.

We walked past a seemingly random statue of Benito Juarez, a former president of Mexico… but on further research, we learned that he spent two periods of exile for political reasons, living in New Orleans in this neighborhood. He worked in a tobacco factory and rolled cigars, wrote revolutionist papers from New Orleans and eventually, as part of a revolution, returned to Mexico and served on the Supreme Court. A couple years later, he was forced to leave again for New Orleans, but again returning, this time as the president in 1861. Mexico donated this statue to the city in the 1950s
Lafayette Cemetery #1 is still closed, but Kegan was tall enough to take some photos over the fence for me so I could see inside. Even the gates have a cloudy plastic over them so you cant see in. This is where Nicholas Cage purchased a pyramid tomb for his eventual death… and the famous tomb of the Voodoo queen Marie Laveau is here, although I couldn’t locate it on just a few snaps over the wall. Maybe next trip 🙂
We crossed into the historic Tremé neighborhood.

Tremé is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city and was originally, in the 1700s, a part of a large plantation, but the landowner gifted land to the city and around 1810 it was founded and became the main neighborhood for New Orleans Free People of Color- a distinct class of people with mixed African, Native American and European roots- who usually had light skin, spoke French, and enjoyed full citizenship under the law if you were born free and to two free parents. The Free People of Color is a different legacy than the usual slave ship ancestry that brought most Africans to America. These people of mixed race background settled here from the West Indies or other French Territories and contributed greatly to the economy and culture of the area.

Treme is considered the oldest black neighborhood in America.

Our first stop was at a visitor center at Basin Street Station that had some historic signs and photographs

A photo of Allison “Big Chief Tootie” Montana. The man responsible for the shift from violence to pageantry for the Mardi Gras Indians. He was the “chief of chiefs” for over 50 years until his death in 2005. Originally the Mardi Gras Indians were a group of violent people- who would execute revenge during carnival to their enemies. They would dress up in carnival suits for disguise, stab or kill someone they had been waiting to seek revenge on… and then disappear into a nearby bar to change clothes. They say there were always tons of disposed of and bloody costumes found after Mardi Gras from all the events of violence. Sort of sounds like The Purge in real life. Waiting all year to carry out your violent revenge during a set timeframe. Chief Tootie was the first to say “stop fighting with your guns, and start fighting with your costumes and your minds”. Now, different tribes compete every Mardi Gras for the best costumes, with feathers and jewels, bright colors- all handmade, made over the full year leading up to Mardi Gras. Chief Tootie believed if you had to work all year on your costume, you would be distracted from other events that might lead you down a dark path…and also, you wouldn’t want to throw away your beautiful costume or get it dirty with blood carrying out revenge plots and fighting.

Wikipedia summed up the Mardi Gras Indian tradition better than I could:

The start of Carnival involves the Chief marching in the back of his tribe, while non-costumed followers trail behind the Indians, known as a second line. Ahead of the tribe is a “Spyboy” who is a block or two ahead. He will motion to the “Flagboy” if the road ahead is clear or not. The “Flagboy” will then alert the chief.[11] The chief will then make the decision as to what road to take. Because of the ambiguous nature of the Indians, there is no telling what path they make take around New Orleans. This makes finding their exact location difficult to pinpoint each year. When two tribes meet each other on the same path, they will have a battle. This battle no longer involves bloodshed and weapons, but chanting and dancing, as well as an informal competition as to which chief has the “prettiest” suit.[10] The chants are in a native language, and can tell a story, shared experience or taunt the opposing tribe. The relationships between the tribes have become calm since the work that Tootie did with changing the traditions of the Mardi Gras Indians.

That led us down the street to Louis Armstrong Park and to Congo Square.

Congo Square is basically the birth of music as we know it. Under French law or Code Noir (Black Code) enslaved Africans were required to be given 6 hours for recreation on Sundays. They began gathering here, playing music, selling goods, preforming healing or voodoo rituals- earning their own money- to eventually buy their freedom and the freedoms of their family. They learned French here, too, from some of the free people of color who wanted to help enslaved people escape slavery.
As we looked at a few sculptures, a guy came up to us and decided we were getting a tour from him lol just started talking, telling us the history of the square, the park, the neighborhood. He knew his stuff though! Mandela the Storytella was his name. We hung out with him for probably 20 minutes hearing about his plans for the future, the city’s history, etc before tipping him and going on about our day. I had to respect the hustle. He had printouts of historic events and people and maps, he knew a LOT about history… he knew we’d be the type he could corner and talk to. Ha but end of the day, it was a good experience.
Statue dedicated to Big Chief Tootie
The big man himself, Louis Armstrong. Satchmo the Great.

Louis Armstrong is from New Orleans. Born in 1901, he got in trouble at a very young age of about 10 for firing a gun in the air on New Year’s eve and was sent to a group home. There he was given a choice to learn the cornet and then he could pick any instrument he wanted to play. He learned the cornet, tried out the drums and eventually landed on a trumpet as his instrument of choice. He grew up mastering trumpet and as a young man, followed his mentor King Oliver to Chicago to play in the Creole Jazz Band. Eventually he was recruited to New York to form his own bands and lead… and the rest is history. Records, jazz shows, television… we all know Louis Armstrong’s songs, voice and talent. He eventually settled in Queens but always reconnected with New Orleans. He was even the king of the Zulu krewe at Mardi Gras one year. He really did clear the path for all future Jazz and black musicians… they don’t call him Pops for nothing.

A statue dedicated to Sidney Bechet. You can’t downplay the importance of Sidney Bechet either. He was a fantastic clarinet player around the time of Louis Armstrong, too. He played in New Orleans before touring the country and then eventually London and France. He was jailed in France for 11 months for accidentally shooting a woman when he was aiming for another musician who said he played the wrong chord. He eventually played at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. He never learned to read sheet music, in all his years of music… very interesting.
Statue dedicated to Charles “Buddy” Bolden. Buddy Bolden really is the father of jazz. A cornet player, he was one of the first musicians from like 1900-1910 who was know for playing loud, improvising….combining ragtime with the blues, creating the “Big Four” beat that is the basis for most early jazz. By the age of 30, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent his life in a mental institution…
Across from Louis Armstrong Park is an unassuming yellow building with a plaque on the front… this is where Cosimo Matassa opened J&M studio and recorded some very famous songs. Tutti Frutti by Little Richard was laid down inside this building, along with nearly every Fats Domino song you know. Jerry Lee Lewis saved up his money and travelled down here to record his first songs, 5 years before recording with Sun records. The studio closed for good in 1974, but is now a historic marker for its significance.

We continued our walk further into the Tremé neighborhood until we arrived at the Saint Augustine Catholic Church- the oldest black catholic parish in the US. Established by the free people of color, who also bought pews for slaves, back in that time there were pew fees, so they would pay extra so enslaved blacks could attend.

The church was closed when we arrived, sadly… but the pews are all originals from the mid 1800s. There is a pink stone alter that is hundreds of years old. The stained glass windows are all imported from France and depict 5 male saints on one side and 5 female saints on the other side.

Sidney Bechet was a parishioner here. So was Big Chief Tootie, So was Homer Plessy (of the famous Plessy v Ferguson court case on segregation that rules “separate but equal” was OK).

The archdioceses was set to close St Augustine in 2005, but parishioners asked hurricane volunteers to help them protest and they barricaded themselves inside the church. The catholic church decided to “reconsider” and placed the church on probation status pending they fix some falling down elements of the building, address falling attendance, etc. They made the repairs, they applied for grants, and in 2009, the building was finally removed from the probation list of potential church closures.

Our walk continued through a large portion of the Tremé neighborhood and on up into Lafitte as we worked our way toward lunch.

Dooky Chase’s. A famous landmark restaurant in New Orleans and an icon of the civil rights movement. Thurgood Marshall, a local attorney… as well as Martin Luther King and company used to take meals here when in the area, discussing business and strategy in the upstairs dining room. Leah Chase- the wife of the owner, became known as the Queen of Creole Cuisine and ran the restaurant from the 1950s through 2019 when she died at the age of 96. Barack Obama ate here in 2008 with her and famously got in trouble for putting hot sauce in her gumbo before he tasted it. ha Even presidents have to follow Ms. Chase’s rules.
We were headed to Willie Mae’s Scotch House. Another famous establishment…and might very well be the best fried chicken in the whole United States. We waited for quite a while, placed a take out order, waited another long while… so the chicken would have had to be pretty good to make up for all that touristy waiting… and it really was. They slather the chicken with a spicy creole spread of some kind before they bread and fry it… and it was outstanding. A tad greasy if I was getting super picky… but it’s fried chicken. Their cornbread was great… their fried shrimp was great. A very satisfying lunch.

After lunch, we had completed our itinerary for the day until time to eat again (notice a pattern here this week? ha eat. eat. eat. ) So we sat in the room and watched the original Matrix movie with Norah because she’s been begging to watch it so she can watch the new Matrix Revolutions. She loved it.

We ventured back out after dark and walked back into the French Quarter in the direction of Antoine’s Restaurant.

Antoine’s has been a restaurant here since 1840. Owned by the SAME FAMILY. Mind blowing. That’s through the Civil War, 2 World Wars, Prohibition, Vietnam, Katrina…. they have weathered it all. They have 14 dining rooms… it is an incredibly huge operation.

From their website:  Lining the walls are photographs of the rich and famous who have feasted amid the splendor … musicians, politicians, military personnel, sports figures, royalty … the list is endless. It includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, Franklin Roosevelt, Pope John Paul II, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Kate Hudson, Jimmy Buffet, Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Hope, and Bing Crosby to name just a few!

For starters, we got the Soufflé Potatoes. So light and airy, the third preparation just makes them puff up like a soufflé is what our waiter told us. Norah was sold. And she ate the whole plate.
Oysters Rockefeller. Literally invented at THIS restaurant- and still a closely guarded secret for the Rockefeller sauce. Named that way because the sauce was so rich, it had to be a Rockefeller. Most places do Oysters Rockefeller with spinach and cheese- but Antoine’s says their recipe has no spinach.
We also got the seafood duo at the recommendation of the waiter. It was a crab salad and a cold shrimp cocktail in a remoulade sauce.. nothing terribly inventive… but if this was on the menu “as is” in the 1800s- I’m sure it was an incredible dining experience.
For my main, I got the Filet- I hate to say it, but it was the worst part of everything. It had no salt, no marinade. It tasted like it was cooked in a non stick skillet. It was a grocery store filet with no flavor. Terribly underwhelming.
Kegan ordered the Pompano Pontchartrain which was a pompano fish with a sweet buttery crab on top. It was very good.
Norah got the kids Shrimp and fries. And the shrimp was AMAZING.
Norah made a friend from the next table over from South Dakota. She was also 9 and talked more than Norah. They would have gotten along so great if they had more time to spend together.
The highlight of the meal. The famous Baked Alaska dessert they are known for.
It did not disappoint, and almost made up for the fact that my steak was terrible. lol Very, very good mix of pound cake, vanilla ice cream, toasted meringue and a fantastic chocolate sauce. Really regretting not finishing that as I write this…. lol

Our last stop for the evening was Escape Room #8,054 lol. This time at a new venue called The Escape Game. We did The Playground where you have to complete your report card by completing various subjects before the deadline so you can make it to the big kickball game! We made it with 13 minutes left and our game guide said he was shocked we made it out, most people with only 3 people (because it is a big space for 12 people) only make it to the second room. He said he basically thought “whatever” when we walked in and said we didn’t want help and we had a 100% track record and it was just us 2 with a kid. But… we changed his mind. lol He gave us a discount on a room tomorrow night and he’s our guide again… so we’re looking forward to doing The Heist where we steal artwork.

We walked back to our hotel…this time Canal street was all lit up with Christmas lights. Very pretty

Tomorrow we are being proper tourists and hitting some major tourist points like Jackson Square, Cafe Du Monde, some Voodoo Shoppes… should be fun if I can keep Kegan from wanting to murder all the other inconsiderate tourists. ha

Day 4 – World War II Museum, Ogden Art and Commander’s Palace

Today was a sight seeing day…and ended up being a pretty light one. I’m usually really good about timing how long things take and how much space we need for each item on the itinerary, but I keep over estimating everything here and we end up with a lot of downtime in the middle of things. But that’s OK… it might be nice to not be totally exhausted after a vacation for once. ha We checked out of our hotel and headed to the National World War II Museum. We arrived via Lee Circle- named after the monument in the center in honor of Robert E. Lee. As you can see… the statue has been removed and is now just an empty pedestal. It was one of 4 monuments removed in 2017 by vote of the city council that were dedicated to confederate slaveholders.

I definitely see the “you cant erase history” side of the argument…. but in a city that is 60% African American… I think I have to agree that if 60% of the city sees these monuments in a negative light and as a sign of an oppressive past, what is the benefit?…. interesting to actually see the empty circle standing as a sign of changing times.

We arrived to the museum…and it was a bit bigger than I anticipated.

There were different wings each dedicated to different phases of the war.
An actual Higgins boat on display in the main lobby. Andrew Higgins was a businessman from New Orleans, who was already making small boats. Makes sense in hindsight that a man from the Bayou would know the benefits and physics of designing a shallow flat bottom boat. General Dwight Eisenhower is quoted as saying, “Andrew Higgins … is the man who won the war for us. … If Higgins had not designed and built those LCVPs, we never could have landed over an open beach. The whole strategy of the war would have been different.” 
There was a big wing with actual airplanes from the war and three levels for viewing them from below and then at eye level.
The exhibits were amazingly well done in terms of visual effects. This was the exhibit walking through the logistics and history of the Battle of Guadalcanal.

My only complaint…. and you know by now, I usually have to have ONE. lol Is that even though it is the NATIONAL World War II museum, so one would expect a very American-centric view… it was painfully so. There was almost zero mention of Russian assistance in terms of causing the split of German forces that made it possible for D-Day to succeed…and Russia lost 20 million people in this war. To minimize their contributions and almost leave them out of the story completely just felt wrong. The museum acknowledged the internment camps of Japanese Americans- but almost became a propaganda film about how good they were treated while there. Our trip this summer to the Topaz Museum which focused on the camp from the perspective of interred Japanese Americans painted a very different story of burning furniture to stay warm in the winter and the total loss of personal property and businesses that were never addressed after their release.

My reason for being annoyed about it is not to downplay the American role in the War. We really did “save the day”. We sacrificed, we banded together- we worked through a lot of American issues at home (women in the workforce, minorities allowed in factory jobs., etc) to create a fighting force and equip our military in a way we could have only imagined prior. (I think in the museum they stated that prior to the war, America’s military strength was ranked 19th, behind Romania. That’s hard to believe with today’s military budget and innovations). But to gloss over the real facts and put that sacrifice into perspective in the grand scheme adds to a characteristic I tend to be annoyed by in America. Our schools and media teach our children that we alone are good enough, we alone save the world and that its our American exceptionalism that makes the difference…and I think that adds to the “us vs them” mentality of seeing ourselves as different from every other country in the world. And I know it benefits our government that we think that way…and it has its benefits for us as a country that Americans believe we collectively have this in common in terms of “sticking together” through crisis. But…just a personal pet peeve. I like the facts and only the facts, please. 🙂 We love the glory of the victory, but we tend to forget to give credit to the shoulders we stand on.

Some other random images from the museum that caught my eye…and were new to me or intriguing.

Americans in the beginnings of the war. The people remembered the horrors of The Great War and they wanted no part of another. Less than 20% of Americans supported an entry into the war prior to 1941.
They had a room dedicated to the Los Alamos atomic bomb project and an interactive screen for demonstrating principles of the nuclear reactions that cause the explosions.
I had never heard of the “Ruperts”. Fake parachuters deployed to fake out the enemy about the real landing spots of the troops. They even included sound playing devices of gunfire and had burning flares to mimic battle sounds and smells.
I loved the irony of this one. A black soldier holding a group of Nazi prisoners at gunpoint. So very fitting.
The down escalator had this very immersive graphic of being at a Nazi rally.

There was also a Victory Theatre with a very good film covering the highlights of the war. I would recommend adding on that with your tickets if you visit.

After we had soaked in about as much World War II as our brains could handle, it was time to lunch. Right down the block was Cochon Resturant and Cochon Butcher. We first tried Butcher…but it was super crowded… and there were just a couple items I had my heart set on… and the full restaurant had those as well… so we chose to go grab a table at the restaurant.

We ordered about every appetizer and boucherie item on the menu and shared them between all 3 of us.

Pork and Bacon Pie
Macaroni and Cheese
Collard Greens
Boudin Balls
Pork Belly
Head Cheese

Every dish was amazing. The pork belly had an apple butter base and was garnished with Vietnamese clove and star anise pickled onions and Thai basil. I could not have imagined a better combo together if I tried… amazing.

After lunch walking to our next spot, we still hadn’t had coffee yet… so we stopped in Provisions, a coffee shop at the Hilton.

They had Aunt Sally’s pralines at the counter… which is where we had planned to walk next…so it saved me a 4 block trip. We had to sample the local dessert. It was what we expected. Caramelized sugar, melted over nuts. Nuts a bit chewy, sugar a bit grainy… but tasting very homemade and very nostalgic of good old southern confections.

We walked on to the Ogden Museum of Southern Art.

On our way we passed the Louisiana Civil War museum- the oldest museum in Louisiana, its been here and open since 1890…(about the same time that Robert E Lee statue went up in the circle.) They were closed today…so no tour through… just the outside of the cool building.

The inside rear portion of the Ogden museum was separate from the tower… and I honestly think we took a wrong turn and ended up on the empty 2nd floor with this amazing and empty rotunda room.

We went back down the curved wooden staircase and took the elevator like I think we were supposed to and we ended up in the 2nd floor exhibits as we expected. lol

They had a lot of very large black and white drawings by local New Orleans artist Willie Birch

My favorite exhibit of the museum was a collection of photographs and exhibits by an artist named RaMell Ross, who is actually a black man from Rhode Island- who has spent the last 7 years immersing himself in the southern Alabama black experience. I learned he had a documentary nominated for an Oscar and an Emmy in 2018 about his experience in the South called Hale County This Morning, This Evening…I’m going to have to check that out soon.

After the Museum of Southern Art we debated on going to the Southern Food and Beverage museum… but we were sort of museum’d out for the day. The World War II museum was a LOT… so we just decided to do a drive-by of Lafayette Cemetery #2 out in the Garden District. We can’t actually enter any of the Lafayette Cemeteries. They have been closed by the archdiocese since Covid began… which makes me giggle a little. Are we going to give the dead people Covid? lol I’m sure it has to do with the fact that there is way less upkeep and damage to the old vaults without tourists parading through and ruining everything. Our impromptu tour guide(more on that next post! ha) told us someone walked off with a skull into Congo Square and he had to call the police. People are crazy. lol

We checked into our new hotel for the rest of the trip- the Kimpton Hotel Fontenot. We booked it using points… and free points are insanely better than paying ridiculous amounts of money for fancy hotels. ha In hindsight, we should have just booked here the whole time. The bed is more comfy, the room is cleaner and they actually changed the air filter in the room and I’m not stuffy the whole time. ha (I’m such a crotchety old lady, aren’t I?)

We just decided to hang out in the room for a couple hours until time to go to our dinner reservations and another escape room. We had to call maintenance because our tub was missing a stopper and the drain was really slow already… so he took 30 minutes to clean out the drain, then said the stopper was broken, thats why it was out… so he went back to find another stopper. Came back, couldn’t get that one to work, came back again and started chiseling at cement or something inside the drain pipe… hahaha… and eventually we heard a “ah! I got you…” hahaha and he had finally conquered the broken drain stopper. So now Norah can take a bath- the highlight of her hotel experiences because we haven’t had a bathtub now for 3 years… lol (ahem…Kegan…)

Our reservations tonight are at Commander’s Palace- a famous and formal restaurant in the Garden district that has been serving dinner since 1893. The Brennan family took over in the 1970s… and they hired a young pup from Massachusetts at 23 years old to run the kitchen in the 1980s… someone you may have heard of now…but was a nobody with no Creole or Cajun experience and very little restaurant experience- Emeril Lagasse. Ella Brennan basically groomed Emeril into a great chef and of course, his aptitude and dedication took him where he is today… but you do have to give props to the lady that made it all possible.

If you want to read more from Ella Brennan on Lagasse, you can click here for an article:

Our first course was a Lafayette style gumbo with house-made Andouille sausage
Pork belly with a radish and fennel salad
Autumn duck breast
Boudin stuffed quail
Pecan encrusted drum for Norah- she selected this. ha BUT…. she ate every bit of it. First meal in weeks I think.
Bread pudding soufflé we shared- for a bit- until I got a bite of the straight boozy rum sauce they poured over the top. ha Had to make Norah put down the spoon.

Dinner took a LONG time… we sat down at 6:40… and we had to ask them to hurry up the check at 8:30 because we had a 9 pm escape room reservation.

Overall, I see the allure. I have never had friendlier service and on-point food delivery, drinks full constantly. (They even swapped out our water glasses for fresh ice water glasses after they sat for a while…which made me laugh. It is still cold water. ha) They were super nice… I’m pretty sure the co-proprietor of the restaurant chain came around to our table to ask how the meal was. They require a collared shirt, closed toe shoes, no jeans, jacket recommended… so it definitely feels very nice. It was very good food- but it was overly salty…and just not as good as Shaya… or even Cochon if I’m being honest. Definitely a good meal, but for the cost, the exclusiveness, the legacy of the great chefs that have ran the kitchen there… I felt a bit let down.

We took a quick Uber back to Escape My Room for a 2nd room – The Mardi Gras Study. This time, Ms. Delaporte was trying to find a family heirloom she hid with a letter to her daughter to know she was safe to come home after we found the REAL murderer in the Jazz Parlor room.

We escaped this room in under 30 minutes. A record, according to our game master…so he brought in an “extra puzzle box for us to see if we could work out in the remaining 30 minutes.

We didn’t think we were going to make it, but we worked our way through all 4-5 of those locks and puzzles with 4 minutes remaining. Our game master “Laszlo” said the entire staff was sitting and watching us, shocked we were figuring it out that quickly. ha I think they just like Norah.

So after we are finished, we are talking to our British game master Laszlo and talking to him about Norah’s perfect pitch and music grasp (not to reveal anything specific-but one task in a room has you pressing a chord on the piano to unlock a secret hatch) and Norah just says “oh! no problem-i got it” and just glances at the sheet and strikes the chord. Where the rest of us have to actually follow all the instructions that are written around to try to get the right keys pressed together haha – he tells us she’s incredible… and then he asks her if she sees things when she hears music- (sort of like her piano teacher asked her if she sees colors when she plays notes)- apparently thats a very big thing among musicians- called synesthesia. Turns out he has that! He says he sees colors from voices, notes, music, etc… he says we should really look at getting her music theory lessons, he recommends a couple schools in the area that have great advanced studies programs.. we tell him we are just starting to explore where to live for the next 7 years or so, so we can hopefully find great opportunities for education for Norah. This starts a long discussion where he says “ok, since you guys are kind of our favorites around here… I’m gonna drop the act.” He loses his British accent, turns out he’s a local jazz musician from Ohio, via Lawrence, Indiana… he has tons of music connections, he knows teachers, instructors, professors… we connect on Facebook. We might be doing some remote music theory lessons with him as he has 3 music degrees and tours with Kool and the Gang and other bands. It’s strange the connections you can randomly make. He did message me the name of the top school in the suburban area I said I had looked at around New Orleans as a potential option…if we weren’t turned off to the city after a week here. At first glance…it looks really great. But looks really competitive… I’m not making any life decisions this week. ha Just putting it in my back pocket though. 🙂

Tomorrow we walk all through Treme, eat dinner at Antoine’s and have another escape room. Until next time!

Day 3 – Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We had a pretty chill morning, making coffee and opening presents in the hotel room. Our first event was the Christmas Brunch at the Roosevelt Hotel where we are staying. On our way down we stopped in the lobby for photos since it was much less busy this morning that it had been on Christmas Eve at 11pm. Ha

We were seated in a ballroom with a great Jazz band playing Christmas songs along the side and TONS of brunch stations and selections on a buffet. Some highlights- a crab imperial Benedict station, a raw bar with shrimp, oysters, mussels and ceviche shooters, meat carving stations with sirloin, turkey, ham, etc, waffles, hot breakfast items, salads, a cheese station and desserts. I wish I had 4 stomachs because I would have eaten everything, it was all great.

After brunch we hung out in the room again to digest the large amount of brunch we just ate and the 3 mimosas I had with it ha. Then we headed across the city to the convention center where we had timed entry tickets to the NOLA ChristmasFest. It was a bit of a trek for us… but we knew we only had to walk it once because we would be taking a Uber to dinner later and then back to the hotel.

A sculpture dedicated to Hurricane Katrina across from the convention center

The ChristmasFest setup was really cool. Very open, spread out, various carnival rides, vendors, some food and drink and some ice skating!

Norah chose to make a wax hand art sculpture to take home over getting her face painted.
Ice Bocce was definitely the highlight of the day. Norah asked to play this about 6 times.
A collective coloring wall. We of course had to add our name.
Posing for photos on the Elf Walk at the #elfie station
Norah even got the staff to take photos of her lol
They had a Dumbo ride “just like at Disney World!” According to Norah lol
Norah decided she wanted to ride the spinning cups around by herself, so we stepped aside and let her go on by herself. Then two other little girls climbed in her car with her haha they had a good time together

After ChristmasFest, it was time to head to the dinner I think I was most looking forward to on the trip- Shaya out in the Garden District. We had watched an episode on New Orleans of Somebody Feed Phil and he was hanging out with Chef Shaya and he was discussing the love and care that he put into the pita bread at his restaurant and the hummus process- and man, have we both craved that pita bread ever since….so it is with great pleasure I can say- it 100% lived up to the hype and surpassed our expectations.

Norah was excited for the non-alcoholic drink list- she chose Matcha Lemonade
We shared a bottle of Barbera wine
The fried chicken hummus. We were only going to order the Tahini hummus and the waiter suggested this instead as it’s their favorite dish. So glad we listened.
The bread. Omg. The bread. It came to the table straight from the bread oven. Puffy and fantastic and they brought us 9 total pieces ha we took the last 3 home for breakfast the next morning.
Ikfa- a whipped cream cheese dip that was fabulous with dill and shallot.
Mixed pickles
A mint and beet dip that was very fresh.
The braised lamb shank with a tabouleh salad
Kegan totally annoyed that I make him wait to eat everything while I photograph it first haha
Norah with her requested chicken meal with pistachio rice and whipped feta.

After dinner, it was back in an Uber across the Garden District back downtown to the hotel. It was a very pretty drive along gorgeous houses. Not 100% certain we didn’t hear gunshots at one point at a stoplight. We’ll just say they were fireworks… Christmas fireworks…Ha

Day 2 – Teddy Bear Tea, Aquarium and downtown

Today started by getting ready and putting on our Christmas Eve best to head down 1/2 a floor to the Teddy Bear Tea. The Roosevelt Hotel has been hosting this event for 30 years with appearances by Santa and Mrs. Claus, Rudolph and others. It was a super cute kid show… and the food was pretty good, as well as the waiter who kept our mimosas filled at all times. And I needed those mimosas. My only complaint was that they literally sat us at a table where the speaker for the whole ballroom was blasting 3 feet from my chair. It was terrible. I took one for the team and sat in the “direct” line of fire…and I couldn’t hardly hear anything Kegan said the entire time because they were blasting out a Christmas songs most of the event. It definitely felt like the worst seat in the house and if I booked it again, I’d be one of those people requesting a specific table- AWAY from the speaker. Ha

Photo evidence of my arch nemesis, the Christmas speaker as seen from my chair. My god. Lol
They brought Norah the children’s plate, of course. She wasn’t thrilled because she had already picked out the crustless quiche as her choice (because we thought you had to order from the menu, not that they were bringing everything ha. BUT… she discovered an Uncrustable PB&J on her plate…and instantly, things were looking up 🙂 I gave her my mini quiche anyway. ha
Towards the end the hotel manager and some other folks brought around big silver trays heaping with teddy bears and handed them out to the kids. It was cute.
They had projected snow globes all around the room for photo ops

After tea and changing back into more comfortable walking shoes, we headed out the back entrance and towards Canal Street to start walking towards the water and the aquarium, which was our big destination for the day. Its hard to find things open on Christmas Eve obviously…so I was excited I found a couple things to squeeze in!

This church is right outside our hotel room window. Very cool architecture.
This Walgreens we passed has to be the most vintage Walgreens sign in the world. I LOVED it.
First glimpse of a New Orleans streetcar. This one running up and down Canal Street.

Canal Street is a major roadway downtown, named for a canal that was never dug. It has a big median in the middle- widely accepted as the widest street in America – that used to be known as “no man’s land”. It served as the dividing line between the French-speaking (and Spanish Speaking) city and the English speaking city.

We stopped by Spanish Plaza, a big open area on the waterfront, next to the aquarium, the Harrah’s giant casino and other riverfront high end shoppes. It was constructed in the 1970s as a reminder of Spanish heritage and has a plaque for each province of Spain.
The Creole Queen steamboat was docked right there. It’s made to look and run like an old paddlewheel steamboat, but it just got its start in the 1980s as a tourist boat for dinners and sightseeing.

The Aquarium of the Americas was way bigger than I figured it would be… they had great exhibits, crystal clear tanks, exotic birds, an albino alligator…. it was fun!

The highlight of the day, for sure… for both Norah and I…petting stingrays! We sat there for a good 20-30 minutes petting the majestic sea flap-flaps.
These guys looked like a real-life Flotsam and Jetsam plotting against Ariel from the Little Mermaid ha
Red Tail Hawk
A Great Barred Owl
We left the aquarium to begin wandering around town…stumbled on this statue… and from far away, I’m like “that looks like Churchill… let’s go see who that is…” sure enough- a random Winston Churchill statue. It was apparently donated in the 1970s by the Hilton hotel developers for the “British Square” – the developer was the honorary British consul for Louisiana at the time.
We continued on to the Piazza D’Italia- a modern space created in the 1970s to honor Italian American contributions to the city… it had the same black and white alternating granite we saw on cathedrals in Italy… and hence, gave it a very Italian feel with the brick pavers and the columns on the edge and the fountains.

Next, we weren’t going to make it to dinner because apparently we didn’t have enough food with our mimosas for breakfast ha. We found a place on the map called St James Cheese Company that had cheese plates…and grilled cheeses (Norah’s choice) so we headed there to hang out for an hour or so

Everything was fantastic. Great meats, cheese, everything meshed really well. The Stilton Blue was the best I’d ever tasted. The fresh sheep cheese was great. The Raclette was funky… no complaints all around. Kegan wanted the Jamon Iberico, hoping it would bring back Spain vibes… he said it was good, but just wasn’t the same stuff he was getting there. The search continues 🙂

We continued wandering around quite a few blocks trying to waste time until our Escape My Room Jazz Parlor reservations at 4:30.

Statue of Henry Clay in Lafayette Square
Ben Franklin in Lafayette Square
Norah being an art deco bird.
St Patrick’s Cathedral
Some famous metal porch architecture that is famous in the French Quarter… but is actually a Spanish style. ha Very New Orleans either way.

We arrived to our Escape Game a little early. I had read that this was the #1 escape game in the city…and it did not disappoint.

We entered into the lobby and the game immediately started. An old timey intercom asked us our business and then “the great detective, Erin McKinney?? We’ve been awaiting your arrival. Please come in” and the small door popped open where Laszlo, our lead security detective for the prestigious Delaporte family told us about the travesty they were currently investigating. The matriarch’s daughter was on the run for the murder of her husband, which Laszlo KNEW she wasn’t capable of committing. We had been called in to assist in uncovering the real murderer. But not only the WHO… but also the WHY and the HOW. Finding the WHO was the most important… but if time allowed, finding the motive and how they killed him were bonus adventures.

Not to give away any details, because it really was a FANTASTIC Escape room… we were able to get all 3 items with 4 minutes to go. When we found our way out of the first room, the guide actually said “thats the quickest I’ve ever seen anyone find their way out of there” over the speaker and then again on the 2nd room “thats the quickest I’ve ever seen anyone put that together.” haha and…. as usual, he was absolutely floored with Norah. She figured out a lot of the clues. He was so shocked by her, he bought her a T-Shirt at the end as a souvenir. We will go back on Dec 26th for another room in the house- the Mardi Gras Study.

Next it was time to meander our way down to dinner, even though we were 30 minutes early. We had reservations at Luke- an old-timey flair’d fancy culinary spot on St Charles Street. I reserved this for the raw bar… I wanted some great oysters and it did not disappoint.

I ate 11 of these, only because Norah agreed to try one. She was not a fan. haha and Kegan doesn’t like them… so I got the entire plate! it was glorious. These were local gulf oysters- so for being from warm water-they were massive and fantastic.

They had a limited menu for Christmas Eve- but New Orleans has a tradition of Reveillon, a French based tradition of a long Christmas Eve meal that stretches into the morning. A lot of local restaurants have a Reveillon meal available for a few weeks at the end of the year. Since this was the ACTUAL Christmas Eve Reveillon date- it seemed fitting to order the Reveillon meal.

I forgot to photo the dessert. Imagine that. ha

We walked back to the hotel and settled in for the night in our Christmas pajamas. Norah talked us into opening half of her gifts tonight and the other half in the morning. We agreed.

One of her top requests this Christmas was a game called What Do You Meme? and so I put that in her “early” pile, knowing full well we’d be playing it for the rest of the night… and we did. ha

We added a couple Christmas touches to the room.

We waited around until around 11pm so we could go down to the lobby can get some cute Christmas pajama photos of Norah before bed. The elevator opened to an absolute madhouse of people drinking in the lobby just packed in elbow to elbow and loud as can be. Norah saw the people, the noise…and just immediately hit the button back to our floor. LOL It was a big ole’ NOPE. hahaha

Seriously… what the heck were so many people doing downtown at a hotel at midnight on Christmas eve??? ha

So, we had to abandon hopes and dreams of cute backlit pajama pictures and just call it a night. 🙂 We’ll try again in the morning.

Tomorrow (Christmas) is Christmas Brunch and a ChristmasFest at the convention center followed by another dinner at a middle-eastern restaurant called Shaya that is open Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Day 7 and 8 – Upstate, Brooklyn and Wrap Up

Day 7

For Friday, we headed out of the hotel, hit Angelina’s Bakery again for a quick bite before heading to Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station.

We booked an Amtrak train north out to the city to Poughkeepsie, NY with absolutely no idea how any of this works. ha

They don’t assign seats, so you get to play this fun little game where you wait in the main hall until they assign a track and display it 15 minutes before departure. Then everyone rushes to that track to get a good seat.

We didn’t know this. ha So, we were in the back of the line, so by the time we got routed onto a car, there were of course no seats together. And, being New York, even when I said “sorry, Norah… I guess you’ll have to sit by yourself here” loud enough to be sure multiple people heard me, no one offered to move. ha

Oh well. Lessons learned. Finally after we all sat in different rows some woman offered to move so Norah could sit with Kegan, so that was nice. But it really wasn’t a big deal either way. She’s old enough now.

The train was basically like a nice airplane with all first class seats. Each set of two seats had its own power outlets and plenty of legroom and wide enough seats for real people. There was only “coach” seats available for the ride north so this is a Coach car. I booked Business Class on the way home, and it was pretty much the same, a bit more legroom between the seats (but there was plenty in coach too) and then the seats had a flip down footrest. Also, the business class car is the caboose, so you don’t have people moving through trying to get to the cafe car. Also- the cafe car was sort of cool- I didn’t get a photo, but it was like a bar/food stand that took up a full car with some booths for eating.

We arrived at Poughkeepsie without issue. Took about an hour and a half.

I have ZERO pictures from the entire day. ZERO. I was on an inside seat with a wall between two windows for my Amtrak ride up. So even though I could stretch up my neck and see the gorgeous Hudson River Valley and changing leaves, I couldn’t photograph it. Norah and Kegan had a window… but of course when I asked Kegan if he got any photos. No. ha

I had signed up for ZipCar online and reserved a car at the station, but when we walked out of the station, I learned they changed my pickup location to across town. Still not sure why because I reserved a CRV and the CRV was parked in the Zipcar spot but didn’t show on the available cars or that it even existed. … SO… we had to get an Uber to our car. But, it only took 15-20 minutes and we were on our way.

ZipCar is a car share app. You sign up to use a car and you walk up to it, unlock it with your phone. There is a fuel card to use to fill it up if it needs it, there is a EZ-Pass for tolls, and you can drive up to 150 miles with no additional charges. It would be convenient if you lived around New York… but otherwise, I’m not sure how useful it would be since it was a little pricey ($150 for an 8 hour rental) but around here, to not have to park a car, maintain a car, etc if you only need one every 2-3 weeks or so…. its a cool model. The car we got was pretty dirty, the steering wheel was sticky, it wasn’t maintained the best, the brakes squealed…so it wasn’t a glamorous experience, but it got the job done.

Because I drove as well, of course there were no photos of any towns or anything we saw.

We were supposed to drive straight to Woodstock to meet a friend for lunch, but she wasn’t feeling great, so she decided it was better to stay home.

So… we just meandered around to various small little towns north and south of Poughkeepsie checking out the area- Kegan and Norah have never been to anything “New England” so it was literally just driving into towns, seeing their downtown, driving around the Hudson River, etc.

We drove by the Vanderbuilt Mansion, Franklin D Roosevelt’s home and a bridge named after him. We really liked Wappinger Falls, Fishkill, Newburgh area.

We ate dinner at an excellent Mexican restaurant. I’d go back just for that. I asked what we wanted for dinner, Kegan starts googling, says “looks like there’s Mexican right up here”. Immediately Norah is like YES! 100%. Mexican. ha We laughed…okay this kid apparently needs some Mexican food in her life.

The child ordered chicken nuggets and fries when we got there. Who’s child is this? Someone come get her. ha

Right behind the restaurant on a high hillside was this awesome sprawling mid-century modern house… and both were right across from a giant Home Depot. So, we decided we were all set to move here and live. ha Huge mid-mod house, walkable to margaritas, train to the city, with a Home Depot across the street?? Sign. Me. Up.

We caught our train back to the city around 8pm.

Kegan captured a photo of Norah and I twinning at the train station. Apparently, I dressed my kid just like me today. Black quilted shoes, jeans, green shirts, ponytails. What can I say, I guess I know what I like. ha
The train hall at night was very pretty with the LED lights
Taking one last photo in front of Madison Square Gardens, all lit up in New York Knicks colors. I’m sure they had a game tonight. The blue and orange colors of The Knicks are a throwback to the Dutch flag, for the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam. And the name is short for Knickerbockers- which stuck as a New York history when Washington Irving wrote a satirical History of New York under a pseudonym Deidrich Knickerbocker in 1809.
One last capture of the Empire State Building down the street as we walked north. Technically, it wasn’t the last sighting since we could see it from our hotel room.

Day 8

Our last day exploring New York! We decided to explore Brooklyn a bit today. We took the subway south from Times Square down through the Wall Street area and under the river popping up in Brooklyn.

We walked a few blocks into DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) which used to be abandoned warehouses and shipping docks but now has been revitalized and is a very pricy and trendy area with a great view of Manhattan and a coffee roaster on every corner.

I had pre-ordered breakfast at Butler because their menu looked good and I figured in this area on a Saturday morning, it would be packed. It was busy…but not as busy as I expected.

They had mini sausage rolls, and we thought maybe they would be like the sausage rolls in Ireland! Nope. Ha but still decent except mine had a raw pink spot of pork in it
This smoked bacon, runny egg, truffle aioli on brioche sounded amazing- but it was bland and the bun just tasted like a mushy cheap hamburger bun. I wasn’t impressed lol

Walked back a bit to get the iconic Manhattan bridge photo of Norah.

Found our way up onto the pedestrian walkway of the Brooklyn Bridge
Norah wanted to take a perspective photo where she was holding Kegan in her hand. He was annoyed but complied lol

Walking around the neighborhoods, Brooklyn had a much more chill vibe than other boroughs. It’s so interesting how every part of New York can feel so different… and we didn’t even make it to The Bronx or Long Island or Staten Island this trip.

We made our way to Clark Street and entered the subway there to ride down a few stops to the Brooklyn Museum and Prospect Park

We didn’t have advance tickets here because today was just a play-it-by-ear day. There was a pretty big line so I wasn’t sure we would get in- but we did.

The lobby had these massive 18 ft tall wooden statues by Brooklyn-based artist KAWS. He likes making large statues that had riffs off of consumer goods. There was another of his statues in front of 30 Rock although I didn’t know what it was at the time.

A lot of the art was a little “artsy” for me. I would look at it, try to understand it, then when I didn’t I’d go read the plaque on the wall to explain to me what the intention of the piece was. I love that art exists and that people have the artistic talent to see the world in a new and different way. I’m just a more tactile and objective person usually.

This exhibit was in the Feminist Art wing, and showed a place setting for any groundbreaking female throughout history or female goddesses in various cultures.
There was a replica of the Statue of Liberty behind the museum that used to sit atop Liberty Warehouse in Manhattan until 2003.
Norah discovered Strawberry Perrier and wanted to take the can home as a souvenir because she thought you couldn’t get it there. Hahaha so if anyone sees this around Indiana, please let me know where. Ha

After the museum, we grabbed an Uber up to the Williamsburg neighborhood because I had been talking with an old high school classmate that lives in New York to see if she wanted to meet up for dinner some evening. We decided Saturday worked best for both of us… and Williamsburg was an easy spot between us to meet.

She walked the 4 miles down from her apartment (right??) to meet us at a vendor market called Smorgasbord that had about 50-60 vendors set up selling food and drinks.

It was very crowded, but like with everything in New York, it went smoother than it usually does at home when things are crowded because people know how to act and how to queue. You just weave your way through, people let you pass through the line and you go about your business. Same with driving, it’s a mess of traffic and honking and pedestrians but there are far fewer wrecks than you’d see elsewhere with this level of chaos.

We waited for a table to open up and we snagged it and sat and chatted for over an hour catching up on life.
We got a lobster roll from Oyster Party
More dumplings from Mao Bao- but they were OK at best.
Norah got a Nutella S’mores sundae from Bona Bona
After we ate and talked, we all grabbed a drink from this stand (I didn’t grab the name)
The New York skyline from the pier in Brooklyn. It was such a nice day with the breeze picking up as it was getting ready to rain for the evening.

We said goodbye to our friend and headed away from the water towards the subway. Found a famous New York resident on the tracks while we waited 🙂

This was the highlight of the day. Lol Norah, not paying attention, smacked right into a subway steel beam. I tried to catch her but she didn’t hear me. Ha here she is pictured with tear streaming face and her sweaty face imprint she left on the beam. I made her take a photo as a way to get her laughing and also-because I’m a bit of a jerk.

We were back to midtown and back to our hotel by 4:30pm feeling like I was wasting my last night in Manhattan but it was rainy and expected to continue all evening until midnight. So, we watched Hocus Pocus, packed up our suitcases and grabbed – you guessed it- more Asian food for our “last meal”. It really was my “last meal” of sorts. I have been binging on everything I see all week and tomorrow it’s back to the calorie counting grind until Thanksgiving for me 🙂 I’ve lost 30 lbs this year and hope to lose another 30! But that won’t happen with dumplings and pizza every meal! LOL

Pork buns
Popcorn chicken
Shrimp dumplings
Peking duck buns
Soup dumplings that have broth inside of them. It was my first time having them. They were really good!

Wrap up

Sunday morning, we grabbed an Uber to LaGuardia. Only took about 1 minute for it to arrive and with almost no traffic, we were to the airport way ahead of schedule. We woke up at 6:45am and we were at the airport by 7:35. Pretty great timing. But, our flight didn’t leave until 9:55, so we sat around, had breakfast and then dealt with seat issues again. I’m guessing because the flight change before we left messed something up in the computer. I showed seats on my app, but my app told me to see a gate agent for seat assignments. I went up and the guy told me it was fine. Then I realized I had no clue when to board- so I went back up to ask that and the lady spent 15 minutes trying to figure out the situation herself. Eventually we got our same seats it showed in the app, the very back row of the plane, but we were boarding group 7, so we had to check our carryon bags.

But, just happy to have seats on the flight as it was the only direct to Indy today.

All in all we had a great trip! We saw a ton of sites, experienced a lot of culture, didn’t really have any major issues

They say almost a million cars come into Manhattan a day looking for half as many parking spots. I definitely think driving in Manhattan is doable- but it’s the parking in Manhattan that I couldn’t handle. I love the public transportation options available. Subway, buses, ferries, trains….you name it, you got it.

I’ve said for years, living in the country is a young person’s game. Ha mowing, gardening, upkeep, driving long distances to everywhere and everything….I want to retire to Manhattan. Doorman, elevators, public transport, delivery everything including groceries. Tons of recreational options and hobbies, small space to maintain, no exterior maintenance…that sounds like the best life to me.

Kegan says I might convince him to make that happen down the line, but likely not in this country. I asked him his thoughts overall- he said it was good to see and visit but if he never saw Manhattan again? He wouldn’t be upset. He didn’t hate Brooklyn and he liked it upstate but he said too many crazy hobos and druggies running around everywhere and just too much going on. His brain would be up on high all the time spending too much time there.

Norah says she liked everything except that it smelled like marijuana everywhere we went (which it TOTALLY did-people just walk down the street with a burning joint. ) and there were too many people haha she said she isn’t used to that many people every place you go.

So overall, it sounds like I will not be convincing my family to buy an apartment in Manhattan anytime soon (Kegan’s mom can breathe easy for a while longer that we stay local haha)

Our next adventure to blog about will be Christmas-New Year in New Orleans, so we’ll catch up then! Thanks for following along with us!

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