I told you if there was interest I’d post what we are taking with us to try to entertain the little tyrant… So here you go.
These cute little REI women’s hiking bags are awesome because of all of the pockets. We had one before that was stolen.. So we bought another to replace it for the trip.

The key is flat objects for maximum items to account for her 2 minute attention span and no sound so no one kills us on the flights or in restaurants.
She is way into The Very Hungry Cateriller- so I found this very thin ColorForms on Amazon

Also, she’s just starting to draw and write (and she’s terrible at it lol) so I found a dry-erase book of tracing lines and letters so she can do it over and over again to save space.
She is also obsessed with these Finger Family videos on YouTube. (“daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?”) so Grandma Baboo (Donna) sent finger puppets these over from Hong Kong

She also sent this awesome tape activity book. She is going to love that she can unroll and stick tape down on the pictures.

Of course, she’s in love with Frozen so we got a few Frozen themed things that she hasn’t seen yet..the highlight (and our ace in the hole) is the Frozen digital Camera. She is going to flip over this. She tries to take my camera all the time…now she gets her own.

I found a miniature play set of Frozen figures on EBay that I thought would be good for playtime and not take up much room

Also, magnet sets are awesome for the car or plane because you have to work pretty hard to get the pieces to fall off

Imagine Ink books are awesome too because they color with just water and there is no delay of the color appearing like with the Color Wonder.

One of my favorite finds was this Melissa and Doug memory game. It has tons of different insert cards, so they can always lift the flap and find something new.

I also found this party pack of mini play-doh so I just stuck a couple in the bag for something to play with on the tray table if things get rough. Haha

And lastly- the figures. I repurposed an old Makeup bag as the Mickey Mouse/Peppa Pig carrier.

Also, in her suitcase- I packed our 5 trusty “every night” books

And above all else- I have the iPad, so we have our purchased movies and all the apps as well as this amazing new feature I found that’s free!
Sites like YouTube are awesome when you have an Internet connection because each video can just keep rolling into the next.
I found a website where you can copy the link to the YouTube video and it will save off a copy onto your computer for you. You can then import it into iTunes as a “Home Video” and sink it to your iPad.
Took me a good 30-40 minutes, but I was able to grab all her favorite “go-to”s from YouTube for about 7-8 hrs of YouTube videos
The site is KeepVid
**If you’re going to use it- watch out for the “download now” buttons that are advertisements- you want to scroll down to the bottom and save the 480p or the 720p version of the file.
I’m sure there are more user friendly sites out there, too-
Savetube.com and TubeLeecher.com look promising- but I’ve never even been to the website…so do your research first 🙂
Well, Off to bed I go.. Our ride to the airport arrives at 8:40am.